Tuesday, April 8, 2008


There is this really interesting website I found called Colormatters.com and it has all different things about colors from how it effects us to what colors mean. I just read an article ( http://www.colormatters.com/body_pink.html ) on how they put a bubble-gum pink color in some jail cells to calm violent prisoners. It was saying that no matter how aggressive or angry someone would try to get in a room that color, that it is somewhat impossible because they say it is a tranquilizing color that saps your energy. We've all talked about how color affects the body together a billion times, but I thought the bubble-gum pink one was pretty interesting.

They also have things on there about how color can affect taste and smell also, I don't really want to copy what they put down, but it is interesting and anyone who looks at this blog should just check out the website for a minute it's pretty cool.

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